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CSR Organizational Structure

CSR Plan in Rubycon

CSR Plan in Rubycon

CSR Promotion System

CSR Promotion System
  1. We have positioned CSR activities as the foundation of the Management, and under the direction of the President, all employees are committed to raise each awareness of CSR.
  2. In the Company, all meetings and committees are held on a regular basis without omission, and the contents and results of such meetings are being communicated to all offices and affiliates as common issues.
  3. We practice and promote CSR-Compliant Management which emphasizes dialogue with all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders, employees, and local communities.

Based on the spirit that any corporation should be a public institution, we comply with business-related laws and regulations. In addition, we provide appropriate feedback to our stakeholders on the status of our businesses in response to their requests.