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Environmental Initiatives

The Rubycon Group’s initiatives for decarbonization and reduction of environmental impact, together with actual results, are listed here.

Energy Saving Measures

In 2010, we were designated as a specified area under the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy, and we are working on measures to save electricity for lighting, air conditioners, and production facilities with the goal of saving energy by 1% or more per year. Recent results are as follows (converted per basic unit) :

Year Energy Saving Result
2015 4.8% decreased
2016 5.4% decreased
2017 2.4% decreased
2018 0.1% decreased
2019 2.7% increased
2020 3.4% decreased
2021 3.5% decreased
2022 1.2% increased

Towards reduction of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions

We have been working on CO2 emissios reduction by 1% or more, and recent results of the reductions are as follows:

Year Emission % change v. previous year
2015 5,981t-CO2 1.5% decreased
2016 5,770t-CO2 3.5% decreased
2017 6,267t-CO2 8.6% increased
2018 5,351t-CO2 14.6% decreased
2019 5,017t-CO2 6.2% decreased
2020 4,892t-CO2 7.5% decreased
2021 5,596t-CO2 14.4% increased
2022 5,942t-CO2 1.2% increased

We use Electric Vehicles (EVs) for inter-company transportation to and from neighboring Company buildings and Group companies, as part of our environmentally friendly efforts to de-carbonize our businesses.
Furthermore, we achieved size & weight reduction and performance improvement of our products through R&D to respond to customers requests.
We continue further improvement in size reduction to reduce CO2 emission and contribute on energy conservation.

Promotion of Recycling

Waste Vinyl
We maintain 100% recycling.
We are working to recycle paper and reduce the amount of paper disposed of as combustible waste. In 2022, the recycling rate reached 60%.
Other Waste
Promoting recycling by ensuring thorough separation of Industrial Waste, and our ultimate goal is Zero-Emission

PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)

Preparing and submitting our reports annually according to PRTR Act, and recent achievements of Transfer are as follows:
(Actuals are summarized in June every year, so each number of Transfer represents the amount one year prior to that year)

Year Transfer (kg)
2014 180kg
2015 130kg
2016 139kg
2017 240kg
2018 260kg
2019 400kg
2020 680kg
2021 600kg
2022 420kg

Reduction of Industrial Waste

We work to reduce Industrial Waste. Achievements in recent years are as follows:

Year Waste
2015 344t
2016 368t
2017 272t
2018 177t
2019 168t
2020 202t
2021 324t
2022 214t